Dream: Dream about a black dog



My sister is reading “La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka Inni Kuntu minad dwalemeen” through out the Ramazan and she prays five times a day. She has been having this dream before Sehri about this black dog chasing her and trying to attack her. She is screaming for help. Then she wakes up. Please tell me what this dream means as she had this same dream for three times in this Ramazan.
Thank you for your help. You are always helpful. May Allah bless you all and give you the highest place in heaven Ameen.



wa `alaykum salam,

That is Shaytan who is very angry at your sister’s strong `ibadah. Insha-Allah she will be under the protection of our mashaykh.

Let her recite Madad Ya Sayyidi and Ya Hafizh 100x for protection.

Taher Siddiqui

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