Prayer Request: Personal Attention of Seyyedi Sh. Hisham Requested


Ya Shaykh,

Asslamoo Alaikum Wr,

I am a humble mureed of Sh. Nazim QS & You. First of all, I say Jazakaalh for your prayers and tawwujuh. Secondly, I need your more prayers and attention. With your prayers my NGO has been short-listed for a project competition regarding a technical and vocational training of rural female youth. Now I am going to submit a full proposal for the final phase. Please pray for me that Allah SWT make the preparation, completion and selection of proposal easy and fill the project with all khayr, barakah and welfare in all phases of selection, implementation and expansion. Please grant me some wazifa or zikr for this purpose.

I also request for your blessed prayers for increased rizq, barakah, success and happiness with already going youth coaching program for civil services examination.



wa `alaykum salam,

Recite hasbunAllah wa ni`ama ‘l-wakeel 100 times, and don’t worry.

Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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