Prayer Request: Permission for wazifa of Hazrat Daud(AS) dua


Asalamualikum wa rahmatullahi wabarakatu,
May Allah reward all the staff here. My name is [private]. Ya Sheikh Hisham, thanks for helping me with awrad; I have improved, alhumdulilah!
Ya Sheikh Hisham, I met a man whom I really like. My parents like him too and they approve of him. His name is [private]. I feel if I were his wife, I could devote myself to Allah through him, and he could devote himself to Allah through me.
I would like to ask you for permission to do the wazifa of Hazrat Daud(AS) dua, so that this man will ask for my hand. If you give me permission, ya Sheikh, could you also please tell me how to say the dua, in English and Arabic?
May Allah give Sh Nazim and Sh Hisham everything beautiful in this life and the next.


wa `alaykum salam,

Mawlana Shaykh Hisham gave permission across the board for people who intend marriage.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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