Seek your Advice



I have 3 Ques:

1) I have practiced the Awrad everyday, but never went to any Dzikir gatherings, I am ashamed to say this but recently I’ve committed a major Sin, am I out from the Tarikah.

2) Then, recently I had a dream where I was in a Dzkir Session with Sheikh Hisham, I was at a corner in the front row facing him, a person who was sitting together with Sheikh Hisham invited me to be alongside them, facing the crowd but I declined . Do let me know what it means.

3) Can you point me to Dzikir Center in Singapore,



wa `alaykum salam,

1) See the Post “What breaks baya`“.

2)  That is a shaytanic human being who is trying to prop up your ego by making you feel self-important in order to distract you from the Shaykh.

3) contact Shaykh Ibrahim, authorized representative of Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani in Singapore.

Taher Siddiqui

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