1.Are ladies allowed to make connection with the Sheik while reciting Awrads and Wazaifs during their monthly periods?
2.Are ladies allowed to recite “Nawaytul Araba’in, nawaytul ‘itikaf, nawaytul khalwa, nawaytul uzla, nawaytul riada, nawaytus suluk, nawaytus siyam, fi hadhal masjid lillahi ta’ala” during their monthly periods before Zikr?
3.While offering Salawat or Durood Sharif on Prophet(S) at any time of the day, can I imagine being around Masji-e-Nabwi reciting salawat , or in Riyaz-ul-Jannah facing Roza-e-Rasool(S)? When I do so I often see Sheik Nazim during my Muraqba looking at me. I see other faces of old man who I never met before while I am reciting Salawat Do I open my eyes immediately and recite LaHawla WalaQuwat… or not. What I do is right or not?
4.How do I know/recognize my Ego or nafs?
audhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem,
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
1. Permissible
2. Permissible if at home, not in mosque.
3. As long as Shaykh Nazim’s gaze is with you it is okay.
4. Ego is harmful to self and others, see Sufi Science of Self-Realization 17 ruinous traits.
Wa’Allahu a`lam.
Kamau Ayyubi