Dream: Bring the Pegasus


Last week I had a vivid dream. I was being initiated in a Sufi circle. After I was brought before the Master (strangely with the face of my brother) and received his blessing, I was given a small instruction booklet. The book had two titles, namely “Why the long working hours” and “Hold on”.

When I walked back to the group my place was between the little children. When I was seated the group became agitated. I could hear people shout “Bring the Pegasus” and “The Pegasus is coming”. That’s when I woke up.

I have some difficulty interpreting the dream and I hope the Shayk can shed some of his light on it.

Brotherly greetings,


wa `alaykum salam,

The master’s appearance as your brother indicates familiarity and closeness. Sitting with children signifies your own purity of character. The books titles are reminders to remember God and not to focus so much on this life.  The Pegasus is the example of a worthy and humble creature, who is wise enough to know his place as a servant and not step beyond his limits, not unlike the Buraq, who served the Master of Messengers, upon whom be Gods’ peace and blessings, and carried him to the Divine Presence, without seeking any reward.

and God knows best.

Taher Siddiqui

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