Dream: Meeting a Sufi


assalamu’alaikum.saya yanuar endra dari indonesia, saya mendapatkan bai’at melalui baya’ online.suatu hari saya setengah bermimpi disiang hari saya didatangi oleh seseorang yang mengenakan pakaian sufi, dia berkata :” semalam saya sudah datang kepadamu tapi kamu tidak mengetahuinya, sekarang aku berikan kekuatan spiritual kepadamu”. setelah kejadian tsb besoknya setengah tubuh saya dilihat oleh keluarga saya seolah memancarkan sinar dibagian kiri dan biasa dibagian kanan. mohon penjelasannya sebab saya khawatir apakah ini suatu anugrah atau istidroj dari Allah.wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

My name is [private] from Indonesia, I have taken online baya before. One day afternoon I have got half a dream that someone on Sufi clothes came to me, he said, “Last night I came to you but you didn’t know it, now I am going to give you a spiritual power.” The next day, my family looked at me as if half of my body has been dressed by light, sometime on the left side, sometimes on the right side. Please advise. I am worry whether this is a grant or an istidroj from Allah.
wassalamu’alaikum wr wb.

wa `alaykum salam,
Your worry is the proper adab recommended and practiced by the Awliya on such occurrences, so continue with your awrad and disregard the “power.” If it is real, then you will see that light in the heart, from the heart, and to the heart insha-Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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