Dream: The Aqsa Mosque and The Doors in The Sky


I had this dream in 2005. I was standing in sky with dense white clouds before me and an old ugly woman with long white dull hair accompanying me. She points downwards towards the earth where I could see the dome of the Aqsa Mosque with destructed city around. Suddenly the mosque starts becoming new white and beautiful and the city starts developing and showing the signs of life. Then the clouds start clearing off revealing huge doors in sky similar to each other. The two of them start to open with the clouds clearing off the third and fourth ones. Then my dream ends. Kindly interpret my dream. Thank you!
May Allah bless you all!

Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem,
wa `alaykum salam,

The woman represents dunya. When you look at the Dome you are looking inside your heart. The new city represents that your heart is safe from dunya .You are saving yourself in a good way.

And Allah knows best

Yassir Chadly

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