These 2 dreams are my father’s. Plz interpret them for him.
1. He was searching through some books. In one book he found 2 gold coins which are shiny.
2. He was sitting with his employer and some other people. The mailman comes and gives a letter. Dad’s employer opens the letter, and in the letter is greencard. The mailman also give money ($100 bills) to my father. (***In reality, we do have an immigration case and are waiting for it to get approved)
This is my dream.
3. Me and my mom are at a Quran teacher’s home. One known lady gives gold bangles to my mom. I also saw one of my aunt carrying a little girl.
Alaykum as-Salam,
All three dreams point to rizq coming to your father.
Hajj Gibril Haddad
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