Shaykh Ibn Ata’illah writes in Lataif al-Minan: “I make clear that the friend of God receive their sustenance from the “Muhammadan reality””
Wahhabi comment: Can Sufis justify this “Haqiqah Muhammadiyah” by the Quran and the Sunnah, even by a Khabar Ahad, as for these people creed is only established by Quran and Mutawatir Ahadith? Can they quote any of the Salaf?
Ibn Ata’illah also quotes Shaykh Abul Abbas al-Mursi saying to a person, ‘O servant of God, when I asked you about the name of such-and-such in Persian, I only did so as a way of conforming to the way you perceived me. After all, no one could have attained the station I have and be ignorant of languages.’”
Wahhabi comment: Al-Mursi claims to know all languages, while the Prophet (saw) did not know this, neither did the Sahabah. And these people attribute such knowledge to their Qutb.
Please respond…
Al-Mursi did not claim to know all languages but only “languages”, meaning the languages of Muslims and especially Awliya such as Persian, and the Holy Prophet (upon him blessings and peace) knew Persian. Even if we claimed he knew all languages it would not be excessive because he spoke with the Angel Jibril (upon him peace) and more than that He spoke with Allah Most High directly.
Haqiqa Muhammadiyya means the spiritual reality of the Prophet in several senses of which it is enough to mention two: (i) It is the first thing created; (ii) its nature is light. Both these aspects have solid evidence in the Qur’an and the Sunnah. The biological affiliation of every human being is to Adam but their spiritual affiliation is to Muhammad, upon him and all Prophets blessings and peace. This is agreed upon by all the salihin so do not ram your head against the mountain, as your head will burst first.
Hajj Gibril Haddad