Please help – travel in Muharam and advising husband


Asalamualaikum wr wb,

My husband and I planned to travel to London for two weeks in December 2011. I was not keen first but agreed as he has not been to London for a while.
After watching Sultanul Awliya’s sohbet on Friday 25 Nov 2011, I told him we should not go, and informed of Maulana Sh Nazim’s (q) advice.
He still wants to go with kids, and says that no one can predict the future. I mentioned that Maulana Sh. Nazim (q) is a saint, he is advising all of us for the best; he said “you can believe what you want”.
Is there any du’a – to stop from going or to keep them safe? Is there du’a to accept Maulana Sh. Nazim’s (q) importance, and heed advice of our shaykhs, even if he does not follow tariqat?

Most respectful salams.


wa `alaykum salam,

You cannot convince your husband, but only keep good with him. You did your part, now don’t be too pushy or he will move further from acceptance.  Mawlana’s main message is not to be running in the streets, shopping malls and cafes, whether traveling or in your home country, and Allah knows best.  After all, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani is traveling right at this moment.

Taher Siddiqui

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