Vision of flashes of Moulana


salaam alaykom
1.. I have seen Moulana around my house and other places I go… I have seen them and after a few seconds they disappear.. At first I thought I was imagning things until it happened more than a few times…Please advise.

2.. How would someone know the difference between Moulana being around and you feeling it or a person imagning it?

3.. Is there any thing I could read to make my mind clear and at peace? Right now I’m feeling really uneasy and my mind is not at rest.  Does Moulana know the reason for this?
4 ..In a dream I keeping seeing that I’m sitting in a mosque with Moulana and the next minute we have ladies around us. Mowlana looks at me and nods their head and then all of the sudden I start reading the bayah script.. jazakallah


wa `alaykum salam,

Seeing Mawlana Shaykh is a blessing granted to few murids, so consider yourself very lucky, there is no need to feel uneasy, rather you are blessed. It is not imagination, rather it is the reality. Seeing ladies in a dream means dunya (worldly life) and since Mawlana Shaykh was in the dream it means through his baraka you will not be attracted to false enticements and will be safe, insha-Allah. Repeating the baya` means you are one of those who constantly re-affirm the oath taken on the Day of Promises, so again, congratulations and pray for us. On the other hand, don’t imagine you reached this by your own intention, power, efforts or will, but rather realize this is what they gifted you and thank Allah ceaselessly for that.

and Allah knows best,

Taher Siddiqui

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