Verbal abuse/social anxiety/trauma


Assalam o Alaikum ya Sayyedi
May Allah raise darajat of our shuyukh till the day of judgement and after
I wanted to ask for prayer request from Mawlana Sheikh and for any amal/advice that will make my problems go away I have been suffering from verbal abuse and developed suicidal depression and extreme social anxiety. I took baya with Mawlana Sheikh and my depression was mostly gone. I am suffering from extreme social anxiety and in a vicious cycle of verbal abuse and social fears complimenting each other. I tend to get confused, have low confidence and tend to blush and get scared which makes people “suspicious” of me, which makes it worse. Is there a Rohani cure for this? I am not sure if this is a mental disorder or sehr/jinn, I see a wavy weblike sticky substance around me. I am getting fed up now so please help!


Alaykum salam,
Increase your dhikr and regular group dhikr. Give sadaqa and visit the sick, especially mentally sick. It will get better in sha Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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