As Salamu Alaikum 3 dreams one after another
1) I was a living sahaba and I was teaching people, I was around 1400 years old in age in my dream.
2) I saw an alim who is in prison in Turkey now, and in the dream he was out of prison, he was old, sad yet happy, he was talking to me.
3) In my dream I’m told me that I’m a Sayyid from both my mom and dads side, And I was also a particular Sayyid who had disappeared in the early days of the Turkish republic, I was told in dream that he was one of the 1000 people condemned by the Turkish government in those days.
Does this mean that I’m a Sayyid? If not, can I still act as a Sayyid in terms of not receiving sadaqa/zakat. And can I tell my family about this also?
First dream shows you are on Sunna, second points to the hadith the world is the prison of the believer, and third points to your inheritance of your parents’ love and respect of Prophet (upon him and his family blessings and peace) and his family as well as their faithfulness to Haqq in the face of secularism. None of those dreams is literal in terms of changing your legal status.
Hajj Gibril Haddad