Difficulty living in another country.


Asalaam Alaikum Mawlana,
My problem is I have been having a difficult time living in a French speaking country. I have tried to learn the language, but have had a hard time. My husband speaks the language, as it is his first language. And my children are attending French school, as it is the law of this country. I have a very, very hard time with helping them with their homework. I am SO depressed here. I just wish to go back to the U.S. Though, there is no thought in ever moving to the U.S. because my husband has a steady job here. I just would like to know what can I do?? I am so sad…and lonely being in a place where I can’t even really communicate with anyone. Please tell me what you would advise.

Thank very much,


wa `alaykum salam,

Be patient. Try to learn the language – go to school,  watch T.V. and listen to the radio. Fill your time with learning. Age does not stop you from learning.

Hajjah Naziha Adil

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