1.) I used to work for a guy and he promise to pay me bonus and he lied. He made lots of money and because of this i was angry and stole money from him as part of my bonus plus more. Now i realize my mistake and want to return his money but I’m not sure how much i stole. Is there anyway i can find how i need to return to him.
2.) Now i have become a good Muslim ( praying + zikr) but i’m not sure if my duas are being accepted as i stole money and haven’t returned till now. Please make me understand as there is a hadeeth which states dua of a thief until he returns what he stole won’t be accepted but also there is another hadeeth which says Allah accepts sincere repentance.
You are to estimate to the best of your memory the amount you have stolen and return it as soon as possible. Allah most surely accepts justice as well as sincere repentance for injustice.
Head Imam (IABNA)
The Islamic Association of Bosniaks in North America
American Islamic Center – Chicago