Dream: RasulAllah S.A.W holding my hand


Asalamualaykum wr wb, InshAllah I hope a respected sheikh can help in interpreting my dream. In my dream I had a feeling I saw Rasulallah s.a.w. with me, he was smiling and his face was full of noor and he was talking to me in Arabic and he was holding my hand, he said a 4-5 rhyming words like ” safah, waha” I dont know but it sounded like that and he was smiling and I woke up very happy as if something dark was removed from my heart, everytime I dream of the Prophet s.a.w. he’s closer to me and this time he talked to me subhanallah. Jazakallahkhair, Asalamulaykum.



wa `alaykum salaam,

Inshallah you have been Honored with seeing Prophet (saw) in a dream as a reality and his presence purified you. And you are honored to be with him here and hereafter.

Wallahu `alam

Kamau Ayyubi

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