salam alekooom sheikh…
Hope you are doing good and hope your health is great.. I recently had this dream…I entered a room…it seemed as if it was in the attic. The room was kind of big and had large windows. As I entered I was on the mobile talking and I was wearing men’s business suit which was a perfect size for me…not big or small. The clothes I had on were so white and clean. As i was talking I looked out the window and saw there was a very similar room filled with men who were busy and they had business clothes on (shirts with ties, pants)..
The dream was after Fajr I guess…
Wa alkoom al salam..
Alaykum Salam,
White suit in attic means dunya fits you but you will get dirtied because it is the wrong place for you. Seek out circles of dhikr so you can also feed and clothe your soul.
Hajj Gibril Haddad