Proper Adab



I have been spiritually visited by pious people. Some of them Allah told me through internet by seeing picture of them, including Maulana Sh. Nazim & Maulana Sh. Hisham which makes me took online bayah to Maulana Sh. Nazim last year after took many prayer because i really haven’t heard of Maulana Sh. Nazim or Maulana Sh. Hisham before . Now i feel comfort in Naqshbandi Thariqah.

Yesterday i have been visited by someone i don’t know. When i surf i see picture posted by one member in a discussion. There is a picture of person who visited me.He is Hazrat Muhammad Najeeb Sultan Bahoo from Sarwari Qadiri silsila. When he visited me he just stood still without saying any words.

What is the proper adab to pious people who visited me ya Sayyidi? I am with Maulana Sh. Nazim now & i love him so much.



`Alaykum Salam,

Make Salawat and focus on Mawlana Shaykh Nazim (Allah bless his secret) to increase your companionship with him insha-Allah.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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