Masturbation, Website


I have a question regarding this page on the As – Sunnah foundation website.

(What does the Shari`a say about masturbation, istimna‘?)

Firstly, it appears that two contradictory groups of statements about the permissibility of masturbation in Islam are attributed to ibn Umar. Does this mean that we must disregard all statements attributed to him in this matter as he could not have said all of them?

Also, the page states that al-`Ala’ ibn Ziyad ibn Matar said masturbation is permissible, but then goes on to say that those who hold his view are unanimous ‘that if this is the substance of what one does, then it is forbidden. They are unanimous that he has to deal with this in a lawful way’.

Isn’t this a contradiction? (Apologies if I have misunderstood this)

Please clarify,
Jazakallah Khair.


Alaykum Salam,
There is no contradiction but if in doubt you should follow the stricter interpretation.

Hajj Gibril Haddad

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