Dream: Seeing Mawlana


Asalaam u alaikum,

I saw a dream last night in which i saw Mawlana looking so beautiful wearing a green turban and a lot of people around them wearing white clothes. I met Mawlana because I cried for help towards them and I kissed their hands, but then after everyone was greeting them it was my turn to tell them my problems. I was just about to greet them again and speak to them about my problem and my dad burst out of nowhere with a man and interrupted me and I was not able to speak to Mawlana about my problem. My problem was about marriage, I want to marry this girl.  I was going to ask Mawlana in my dream to break the boundaries and make her dad say to her you can marry a Pakistani and that she chooses me and after my dad interrupts i woke up!



wa `alaykum salam,
This dream can mean that your father wanted to save you from something. Try to know if the girl loves you first, if yes then ask the shaykh.

And Allah knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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