Prayer Request: Waswas on Mind…


In my mind I often comes bad thoughts and I keep thinking about for a long time that I didn’t think any thing wrong. Whatever are these thoughts it ends in shirk related thoughts… I very much sad and depressed that when I am saying in my mind I didn’t do any thing shirk, by mistake I am thinking as I am doing shirk. Is it really shirk or sin I front of ALLAH (SWT)… and terrible waswas… I am a big sinner In front of Allah.


Alaykum Salam,
Cut it off from the start with La Ilaha Illallah x100 on the spot followed by Muhammadun Rasulullah and x10 Salawat. Then same with Astaghfirullah x70 as needed. You will defeat that waswas in sha Allah.

Hajj GibrilHaddad

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