Dream: Stars Falling


I was walking through streets; crowded as Hajj. I look at the sky and see the stars attacking one another and falling out of the sky. I call out “Aren’t the stars falling?” and then everyone looks up but they don’t care. I start running in fear to get inside a masjid. I yell “I told you!” but everyone laughs, not knowing the truth. I get inside a small masjid and pray 2 rakats. I try to wake myself up but cannot. A man comes and pours me a bowl of soup. He takes a spoon and slurps loudly. I ask “Isn’t it sunnah to slurp?” He affirms that it is. I take a spoonful and do the same. Suddenly, I have a small glass shard in my hand. I drop it behind my chair so it does not hurt anyone. I see my older brother and wake up.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

This dream can mean that there is an argument or a fight between your brothers and you like to bring peace to the problem. The bowl is a women who gives you a solution through her son who is an intermediary, represented by the spoon. The glass shard is a trouble maker daughter or a sister that you are going to protect your brother from.

And Allah knows best.

Yassir Chadly

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