Assalamoaleikum wa rakhmatulla hi wabarakatohoo,
I like a girl and she likes me too but we don’t talk , nothing. I had this dream that I was living in uk ( actually I live in uk) and I saw her from my house`s window that she moved to my street like my neighbor could u tell me whats that mean?
Second dream I had a dream, some weeks ago, that she and ( I think with her brother as well) her sister were caring a new white mattress and going to my block ,where i used to live, and saw her . her brother and her sister like my new neighbors. Could u tell whats the meaning of them?
Jazakumullah khair
Walaikum Assalam,
InchaAllah this dream indicates that your relationship with this lady will become stronger inchaAllah and according to Allah’s Shareeat.
Allah knows best
Ali Elsayed