My mother, father, cousins are in unknown house. I came into the house, mom making Eritrean coffee. There’s pain in my left foot and couldn’t walk on it. Everyone saw me in pain ,and came towards me . Then somehow there’s a knot in my hand. I opened it. Inside was square shape coal and a beeper. Opened the knot , foot felt better but still hurting. I carefully broke beeper in half , heard a man’s voice. He was chanting spell (mixing up Quranic verses). All were surprised and freaked out.
Mom wanted to help me. I told her just be careful for the coffee. I thought it might fall coincidentally on jinn, then the Jinn might take revenge. Mom saw jinn in bedroom and said ‘there it is’, I saw nothing, just felt it .I read Surat Ikhlas .I emphasized on ‘AuzubilahMeenAlShaytanAlRajeem‘. I was angry and scared.
This dream indicates that the West, land of immigration, as indicated by the Eritrean coffee, is safety for you, and Allah’s Power will appear there preventing harm to you from jinn and shaytans, and strength to implement the Sunnah of Rasulullah, as represented by the coal. The dream indicates the importance of reciting a`udhu billah mina ‘sh-shaytani ‘r-rajeem Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem, and Surat al-Ikhlas as protection from them, so keep that practice.
and Allah knows best.
Taher Siddiqui