Dear Sheikh and admin Team,
I want to ask for my dream 2 months ago.
1. I saw maulana Nazim and he told me ” you have a shell but your hard is empty” in Malay, translation- “perisai sudah murni tapi hati belum ada.”
2. I saw maulana Nazim, he wascrying and I get his eye-drop “tears”. When I dream and saw his at this situation I don’t understand at all, after soon letter, my be the dream want told me that Raja Ashman is going to die & everyone knows . I hope that e-sheikh can interpret why sheikh told me these things although i just took baya` using internet on Sheikh’s image.
`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:
wa `alaykum salam,
Congratulations on your baya`. His tear drop is a jewel of divine light and knowledge, filling your heart.
Dr. Karim