Dream: Imam Hassan (RA) and Imam Hussain (RA)


Salaam my dear Sheikh.
In April 2011, I dreamt of Imam Hassan and Imam Hussain (RA) at their young ages (probably 8-10 years of ages). Both of these beloved Imams (RA) were standing on the sideblocks in an Arab state, where all Muslims gathered to see the descendents of our beloved Prophet (peace be upon him). Both were wearing red and white coloured block printed turbans (that you see the Arabs wear these days). In the dream, I saw myself at my young age as well (approx. 7-8 y/o). At one point, I went very close to them. If I can still recall correctly (May Allah (SWT) forgive me), I honoured them, perhaps had a very brief talk and they smiled. Then, I returned happy and told my father that I met them. That was all and I woke up.

Please note, I am separated from my wife.


a`udhu billahi min ash-shaytan ir-rajeem
Bismillahi ‘r-Rahmani ‘r-Raheem:

Mabruk for being visited in the dream by the Prophet’s grandchildren. Ask for your problems to be solved for their sake and all Ahl al-Bayt.

Dr. Karim

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