Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
VISION : Seeing Sayidina Isa Ibn Maryam AS
I introduce people saying this is Isa AS. Continue reading
Promise ( said this matter is “sealed”)
I got a promise , dont know if I deserve it. ( it was told to be “sealed” ) , Continue reading
Marriage istikara
Question: I do marraige istikhara, and i m seeing many oranges in my house. But i m not eat.nd i m wakeup its fajar prayer. Answer: It is a very positive istikhara. Hajj Gibril Haddad
Cercueil ⚰️ vide pouvez vous interprèter in ch'ALLAH
j’ai rêvé d’une defunte femme une proche de ma famille Continue reading
Requesting for your kind prayers
Please, pray for me that I find my Murshid who can bring me very close to ALLAH Azzawajal and my beloved Prophet Muhammad Sallallahu Alayhi Wasallam. Continue reading
I saw a dream of me, a famous awliya of Allah, and al-Khidr ( sayyiduna khidr ) praying in the dargah of a more famous awliya asking Allah to bless me. Continue reading
Anaconda like snake bit me(Dream)
Anaconda(soo big snake) bit me in dream Continue reading
Holy hair of Prophet Muhammed s.a.w
I possess the holy hair from Prophet Muhammed s.a.w. already for a few years. Continue reading
“answer before they are asked”
إنكم أمة محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم قد أجبتم قبل أن تسألوا, Continue reading
VISION : Rasulallah SAWS / Fathima RATA
SAWS lying on bed. I say can i kiss ur feet. Continue reading