Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Meeting Imam Muhammad Al Baqir
I was in a room which is not normally my house and before I was in a horse and cart Continue reading
Is Najd mentioned in hadith Iraq?
I have argued with him that this Hadith speaks about the Najd area in Arabia, but he counter argued refrenced to some hadith which mentions Iraq as the horns of satan. Continue reading
Syed dream and seeing ancestors
I see a giant rock carved in gold with the lettering syed arbab, Continue reading
Seeing Emerald Marble Tomb Of Kadher Wali Abdul Hamid of Nagore
I see myself in Nagore Shariff, his mazar, darbar was made of emerald marble, i intented to do wudu Continue reading
Rasul sm and his family❣️
i saw in that dream that Rasul sm and his whole family and nur was coming from their body Continue reading
Flood and Key to Kaaba
there was a flood spreading across the West Continue reading
difficult life situation but later it all solved
i saw consecutive 3 dreams in which firstly i’m occupied by worldly matters which are impossible to solve Continue reading
Job and marriage
I have age 29 years until now i still jobless and not get marriage. Continue reading
A obvious but difficult question; What is love?
We love to use the word “love” so often and for so many different things. Continue reading