Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Shaykh becoming wali on a wedding
i see my shaykh becoming the wali on my wedding (im not married yet) and sitting down beside my other teacher and father Continue reading
Problem with job. Urgent.
every 3 or 4 years it happens that I lose my job Continue reading
Prayer @ 12am/12pm
There is a saying in the south Asian culture that you should not be engaged in prayer at 12am/12pm. Continue reading
Please make dua I get a good proposal very soon. Continue reading
Prayers mentioning passed Away Awliya and correct way with evidence
Can we mention saints that have passed away in our prayers like Shaykh Nazim Continue reading
Strange dream (what does it mean?)
In my dream I was lying in bed and i started masturbating. then suddenly I realise my friend is in the room Continue reading
Dream about Prophet SAW Hazrat Ali and me
I saw a Hazrat Ali smiled said “ you should speak about yourself”. Continue reading
Salawat question
I found on one YouTube (the highest level ) of video where Shaykh saying one salawat which is the best one. Continue reading
Father is on deathbed
My father is in the ICU please pray for his ease in this life, during his death and the hereafter and his grave. Continue reading