Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Writing about Cryptocurrency
is it Haram to write about Crypto when my earnings aren’t direct from website but from client itself? Continue reading
Seeing of Imam Mehdi in dream
I asked him are you Imam Mehdi he nodded his head. Continue reading
Validity of narration: Sayyida Fatima (a) is present for the visitors of Sayyidina al-Husayn (a)
Question: Salam alaykum Shaykh What is the validity of this narration: قال الإمام الصادق (عليه السلام) : (( إن فاطمة بنت محمد – صلى الله عليه وآله وسلم – تحضر لزوّار قبر ابنها الحسين – (عليه السلام) – فتستغفر لهم … Continue reading
Meeting Habib Umar
i saw two habibs and my teacher Continue reading
Feeling lot of anxiety due to Sihr and situation
i am facing lot of anxiety and depressed in my prayers (dua) due to Sihr Continue reading
My deceased father who was very sick before he passed away..
In a dream my deceased dad was lying on the floor, he held him and all of a sudden,my dad woke up and went to washroom Continue reading
Man holding baby in masjid
I was in a masjid (can’t recall which masjid), I saw a man wearing white clothing holding a baby boy Continue reading
Broken fast
My friend payed the kaffarah & is confused if she needs to fast as well Continue reading
I see my self sitting in a halqa (circle) smiling dressed in white clothes and my head is also covered with same cloth. Continue reading
Saw Shah Naqshbandi Qs and white tiger chasing me
i prayed fajar and did my awrad then slept for 20 min i saw Holy Grave of Shah Naqshbandi Qs Continue reading