Author Archives: Imam Kamau Ayyubi
DREAM :: Snake Butcher :: Allah knows best
Snake butcher has brought hissing long snakes to sell. Continue reading
Dream after istikara about marriage
I saw some children in green and white uniform asking for help my driver let them in the car Continue reading
Dream of jealousy
I had a dream that the girl I want to marry and have a crush on, loves someone else Continue reading
message number 7 in salah
Two months back,When I was having Sunnah Salah after Salatul Zahur.. Continue reading
Dream control
Im sure a pir in uk is doing dream magic to control heart emotion. Continue reading
I want marriage soon so please i want your prayers
I want marriage soon so please i want your prayers deeply Continue reading
Divorce situation
Pls help me My husband filed for divorce we have one child. having arguments and he lost contacting me and left us. Continue reading
Negative thoughts, fear and Waswasa
Please pray for my Fiance [private], as he has waswasa and negative thoughts about failure and never able to achieve something Continue reading
Depressed and lonely
Assalammualaikum Shaykh. My name is [private]. I am married but cannot conceive naturally. Continue reading
Tiger/Dog attack brother
I saw in my dream a tiger who attacked my little brother I slaughtered him and saved him. The same dream came two days after but with a dog… Continue reading