Author Archives: Imam Kamau Ayyubi
Something in right ear
I feel something lives in my right ear. When I recite Quran lots, I feel relief but this thing comes back. Continue reading
Problem with my husband
Salam, Im married for 3yrs,my husband is on drugs & abusive. Im the only one that supports him,his family dont support him or me they only wana know him when they want money. Continue reading
Brain Cancer -No Treatment is responding, tried evrything & visitd all countries
Asalamualikum, Humble Request with u all, to remember my friend (Samara) in ur supplications as she is suffering from brain cancer… Continue reading
ilham is this true?
There is a girl i met and want to marry however there is something alarming me which is the fact that she cant predict things and read minds Continue reading
Killer whales x3
Have many dreams associated with killer whales. Continue reading
dua for someone in severe desperation
Asalamu alaykum I hope you are well. Please ask Allah in the last third of the night to grant me my dua… Continue reading
Reading Darood on Rasulallah(SAWS) :: Allah knows best
I had a clear vision of Rasulallah (SAWS) in my dream. Hence, when I send Salawat to Rasulallah (SAWS) is it halal (not bidat)… Continue reading
My name written in the Holy Quran
Big Holy quran is on a rihal open with the words of the quran big. Pages are turning automatically… Continue reading
isthikharah and dream interpretation
Two weeks ago, I saw one of my friend getting married to me. When I did isthikharah salah four times… Continue reading
DreamUltimate Extreme Strength (my friend’s)
Question: Friend’s dream “he went to college he saw some senior boys were fighting with his colleague, he grabbed a guy & punch him & guy died, when he jump he start to fly, a guy pulled a gun & … Continue reading