Author Archives: Imam Kamau Ayyubi
Prayer Request: Prayer for my sister’s Visa
My sister got married in February 2013 to a good man from our community. He lives in Chicago, we are in Jeddah. Please pray that she can join him in USA quickly and visa is processed without issues… Continue reading
Dream: Group of pious men and pious women sitting face to face on sand
I had a dream I was sitting face to face on sand in the daytime with unknown group of men & women in white dresses. All the women were with head covers. The men group could not see women but I could see one man with whom I had to tie a knot… Continue reading
Dream: Reciting Kalima
I have seen that I was walking on a slope like land with lots of graves in it. Then I am at some place where I see a grave and fire is shown out of its corners, similarly I see 2 or 3 more such graves and then perhaps then see one with fire as well… Continue reading
Dream: Committed zina in a dream
I recently had a dream in which I was committing zina with a man whom I had a haram relationship with some years ago. After committing this act in the dream I regretted it and made sincere towbah. I woke up and was extremely relieved that it was only a dream. Continue reading
Dream: Tiger wants to attack
I had a dream that I was with my three children at dark road, suddenly I heard noise that tiger is free and there is danger. Suddenly when I want to move the tiger was coming towards us. Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Hisham blesses my brother.
I was traveling to India to attend a lecture by my uncle. Every time we want to make, he isn’t there. Suddenly, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham appears and so does my brother, and my brother greets him thinking he is someone else, but I tell him this is Shaykh Hisham! Continue reading
Prayer Request: Exams
I have my GCSE’s coming up in a couple of months and I hope to do well in them. Also, I have a college interview coming up. Please may you pray for me so I could revise well… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing MSN and MSH
MSN brings me and my two sisters (we are all in tariqa) to a secret place which seemed like the top most part of a mosque. He climbs all the way up looking over the wall and we are all hanging Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara for marriage
She and her friends are at my place and we all are having a good time together at night, She is wearing a bright red colour dress. And we are enjoying the time, I am playing guitar… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Remove all our difficulties
We ask your dua, help and support to removes all of our difficulties and make easy all of our cases. also we can live, dunya and akhirat always with rosululloh/// Continue reading