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- I am 30 years old guy who is unemployed, unmarried, no friends
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Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani
Prayer Request: Marriage
I would like to get married soon inshaAllah. Please make Dua for me Allah gives me a good, suitable spouse… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged disappointed love, seeking marriage
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Dream: Die before death
I was at shrine of Auliya newly build and beautiful from door of shrine i can see another shrine and something attracts me towards it… Continue reading
Visions or imagination
Question: Assalam u alayekum syyedi sheikh Hisham! I have experienced quite often that when I close my eyes I see some unseen, unimagined scene(s). I don’t imagine them intentionally. I don’t know whether they are waswas or should I call … Continue reading
Prayer Request: Jinn Possession
I have a cousin(female) and she becomes as if possessed by a jinn (good or evil) whenever we are having a Mehfil (Mawlid) … Continue reading
Haal during dhikr & hadra
Whenever I read dhikr, particularly the dhikr La iilaha illa Allah, whether in a gathering or alone, I get into haal and start to shake uncontrollably then I fall down…[fr]Whenever I read dhikr, particularly the dhikr La iilaha illa Allah, whether in a gathering or alone, I get into haal and start to shake uncontrollably then I fall down.[/fr] Continue reading
Family problems
I wanted to ask you about my family as we are all going through a lot of problems. Please can you tell us how to overcome our worries and live happy peaceful lives… Continue reading
Domestic Guidence
My husband regularly drinks and have no love for me. He do not want to live with me. Now I am at my mother home and want him to take me at his home… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged alcoholism, drinking alcohol, marriage problems, sabr, troubled marriage
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