Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Prayer Request: dua for my family

I would like for you to make a special dua for me and my family please. i want to clear our debts as soon as possible and ease our situation. both my husband and i work very hard… Continue reading

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Past Sins

Me and my wife s position is not very good as at the moment we have no income coming as we are both jobless and we stiil have two schooling sons. Continue reading

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I have met someone on a marriage site. Mash’Allah he is an Imam. He became qualified at the age of 22. As a young imam he came across many people who he had to give advice and help. Continue reading

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al-Mahdi (as) in Sham?

I have been told to ask this question to You, that, Sayyidina Imam Al Mahdi (AS) is in Damascus right now? Continue reading

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Dua to have baby

I am woman, 32 year old ,after 2 years of marriage, we have not gotten any child yet, Ya syaik i need your dua and What should we do in order to have a baby? Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Prayers for Deceased father.

My beloved father passed away quite recently, and I miss him so much. Is there anything I can read for him so that he recieves it as an offering in his grave. Continue reading

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Dream: visiting Lefke

İf you dont mind,I would like to visit Shayk Nazım Kıbrisi as soon as possible inshaAllah Continue reading

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Zikr / Dhikr in the bathroom

Is zikr / dhikr permissible whilst in the bathroom? For instance, can we read within our hearts? Continue reading

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Significance of spiritual names

What is the significance of our spiritual names? Continue reading

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Spiritual name

Question: Assalamu alaikum wa rahmatullah wa barakatu sayid sheikh Hisham, i would like to know my spiritual name. Wassalam! Answer: wa `alaykum salam, Nur al-Ula fil-Jannah Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

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