Author Archives: Syed Shahzaman
End of the world
Dream: And island where there are people who have a chance to go to Jannah. We must pass one test: there will be creatures who attack us at a random time and I was announced as the ‘leader’ of the ones who will fight. Continue reading
Istikhara: I Love You
She told me she loves me and I told her I love her, she became happy. Then I kissed her but she didn’t like the kiss, suddenly I’m in a supermarket with a stranger who said I need to buy the right fruit & vegetables, she will like this. Continue reading
Deceased 7 year old brother in mothers dream
My mother had a dream in which my deceased 7 year old brother cheerfully told her that “I have brought bangles for my sister.” Continue reading
Dream: Abu Bakr Siddque (ra)
Quite a while ago I saw the first 3 khalifas in a dream and I saw the face of Abu Bakr (ra) and kissed his hands. I was so overwhelmed and I remember my heart saying La Ilaha Illallah but didnt say salam. Continue reading
Dream: Flying on chair
I had a conflict with a colleague and she tries to harm me, I saw in dream that a black crab/scorpion bites me on my foot but it didn’t hurt. Then animal ran away and I thought its hungry and I should feed it. Continue reading
Salaam, I am 4_ yrs old and met someone who seemed very interested in me. He is in the USA and has some problems with his stay. Continue reading
Dream: marriage
My mom did istikhara for a guy and saw me and him married and in the haram, means Kaaba with mom, but then hurdles came and another girls did magic on him and he left me and got attached to her. Continue reading
Can u do istikara for me, my name is [private] my mom [private], other person name [private], his mother [private] . For marraige. Continue reading
Dream: Marriage
AOA, long dream in short, I’m walking with the guy I love. He takes me to a place full of colourful toys and open the cupbord to take out a sparkling crown with pink stone in it and said this is what I want you to wear on our wedding day. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Difficult time in life
I am going through a divorce. Due to the seriousness of the matter and Istikarah it is the only way. over the past few years I have been deceived and people have used me to their advantage. Continue reading