Author Archives: Syed Shahzaman
Dream: shroud (Urgent)
I am very afraid on seeing this dream please interpret it in detail & guide me what should I do. I saw I am going to die & preparing to get buried. I tie a knot on my right shoulder of shroud cloth. Continue reading
Dream: Dream about a dog
I dreamed I was outside a house I’d never seen before and I went inside and started exploring the rooms, when I heard someone come inside. I sneaked behind the front door which was part of the front room and an old woman went past me without seeing me. Continue reading
Dream: elegant man
I recently performed hajj. I saw that i am in my old home in Pakistan (I live in UK now). I am laying next to a very elegant beard, fair skin man and my mother comes in and ask his name and I told her. Continue reading
Dream: money on dream
I am an unmarried girl. A few days ago I saw money in my dream. I don’t remember much about this dream. What could this dream mean whether I should give sadaqah or my money will be gone in real life? Continue reading
Dream: Baby giraffe
Dream: Salaam to all at eshaykh. I had a dream that I found a baby giraffe sitting on the sidewalk in a hot day, so I picked it up to bring it inside and save it, since it was all … Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaikh Nazim in a masjid courtyard
Saw Mawlana Shaikh Nazim in Jum’a congregation in masjid courtyard. Waiting for him to lead prayers. He moves indoors -I follow. I sit next to a man in white including white turban. Man says/asks something -can’t remember. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Broken proposal
Salams. I was proposed to a person that my family and I love. After few months he said he does not have any feelings for me ( which I do not believe) and he broke our proposal. Continue reading
Dream: Shaykh Nazim R.A.
Dream: asalam i had a dream today that i entered a building (it kinda resembled my apartment complex’s leasing office) and i see Shaykh Nazim (its weird in this dream i was fully aware and in control of my actions … Continue reading
Dream: Wudu with Maulana
I had a dream where its a Friday. Maulana looks at an envelope and picks it up and asks, “Whose is this?” i say “It is mine shaykh.” On it is the Bismillah, underneath Fatiha sharif is written. Maulana asks “Who gave this?” I reply “Hajji Anna.” Continue reading
Dream: Two dreams about Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani
Dream: I become muslim six years ago, after a very long spiritual searching Allhamdullilah. I had two dreams about Shaykh Nazim Al-Haqqani. 1. I saw Shaykh sitting in big armchair in unknown place but full of light. I was standing … Continue reading