Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
I was cooking at the kitchen …and then my child who’s a beautiful toddler girl came to me & recited sholawat. Continue reading
Man may contact as soon as possible with us
I applied Canada by an agent the agent who is my uncle who deceived me and took almost 15 lack from me Continue reading
What should I do to live together with my husband
I fear sehr to seperate me and my husband from each other. Continue reading
OCD taking over my life
I hv 3 children and need to wash them all the time. Continue reading
Why fidiya is paid
Why medically unable is fidiya the penalty for not being able to fast. Continue reading
Seeing blessed sandle
I saw it was our Prophet Muhammad (s) Continue reading
Rasulullah SAW appears as one of his descendants physical form at my house
I deleted Ig Acc of a Habib. Continue reading
3 predicted events
I just woke up from a dream with Grand Shaykh Nazim, he was telling me [about] the earthquake that struck Turkey Continue reading
Burdah Sharif
I have a dream where some children were reciting Burdah sharif. Continue reading
Ya Sayyidi Ya Madadul Haq Ya Mawlana Shaykh Hisyam Kabbani
Mawlana aku hanyalah makhluk yang hina dihadapanMu apalagi dihadapan Rasulullah SAW apalagi dihadapan Allah SWT. Continue reading