Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
Broken Sky
I was walking with my friends and suddenly the sky turned black and it felt like it is going to break. Continue reading
Seeing Graves of 4 Khulafa-e Rashideen
I saw a dream that i am visiting holy graves of 4 khulfa-e-rashideen in 4 corners of market. Continue reading
Istikhara dream for marriage
After my 2nd day of Istekhara prayer, I slept and saw a dream. I don’t remember the whole but I saw a snake. Continue reading
Eating too much
I saw in dream that I was eating too much. Continue reading
Non-Muslim praying salat
Non-Muslim ex turned out to be a covert psychopath Continue reading
Alcohol and Butter after Istikhara to marry a converting man
I love a non-Muslim man, who is willing to convert to Islam and to study it, mashaAllah. Continue reading
Wolves attacking sheep
I was with some people and from far we could see ‘warewolves’ big wolves attacking sheep’s Continue reading
Insomnia since 15
am suffering from severe insomnia since I was 15 yrs old Continue reading