Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
there is no congregational dhikr at the nearest i location of Sheikh Nazim al-Haqqani in my country. Continue reading
Seeing deceased father
Last night I saw my dead father in my dream.I saw me and my big brother was at roof top Continue reading
banging on bathroom door
When the kids or any of us shower we hear a banging on the bathroom door Continue reading
i want that all the people who harass and persecute me with the noises can’t annoy me or hurt me forever. Continue reading
Mawlana as my mirror
I saw a dream regarding Mawlana Shaykh Hisham (Q.S). I saw him sitting in his house and I was with him Continue reading
Spouse issues
I found [my wife] to be very insecure, and very disrespectful at times and doesn’t listen to me Continue reading
I’m unmarried and have PCOS (childbearing is an issue).
I saw food raining n started dhikr. A dinosaur, with a child came into our home Continue reading
Traveling Dua Confused
Please clarify travel dua. Bismi-llāhi r-raḥmāni r-raḥīm dhālika taqdīru `Azizul `Alim Continue reading
Dreaming about a unknown child playing with our todler
my wife dreamed, a girl child wanted to play with our todler son Continue reading
Young MSN (qs) and MSH in dream
MSN (qs) at a large dinner table for Sohba. Continue reading