Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
Seeing hidden things, shaitaan etc
I see shaitaan openly running around Continue reading
6 Eids left
I want to marry a convert girl and my father saw a dream the day before I told him about her. Continue reading
Please help me to save my marriage
almost 1.5 months my husband doesn’t contact with me. Continue reading
Autistic child
I have an 7-year autistic family want us to have another child,t Continue reading
Dream of a saint very dirty white clothes
A saint (who I regard highly) who regularly visits me in dreams was wearing white clothes Continue reading
what is my position is i am going towards right path or my ammal making me to fall in jahannam Continue reading
i saw shaykh hamza yusuf
I went to sleep in the 1 mourning of Ramadan I had a dream that I was staying in shaykh Hamza Yusuf’s house Continue reading
Flooded bridge
I saw the man I want to marry and myself in a huge car. He is driving across an unstable bridge over the river. Continue reading
Sheikh Muhammad al- Yaqoubi
I was in a house, a dog was running Continue reading