Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
Istighara dream interpretation
My frnd did Istighara n she had dreamt that her marriage was getting fixed to the man she loves Continue reading
isthikara dream about love marriage
.i saw a dream in which the girl I like knocks on our door Continue reading
Taken Bayat and Asking for Dua
In early 2013, I recited and affirmed The Bayat sincerely Continue reading
Isthikara regarding staying in a relationship as I am suspecting betrayal
Stuck in a room with 2 snakes, one green and one black. Continue reading
Whilst meditating i was looking at the trees and i saw remnants of egyptian structure appear As if from building stage to fully built buildings. Continue reading
meaning of numbers.
What is the meaning of number 11 ? Continue reading
Fear of people
I have noticed that since childhood, if anyone does an action that symbolizes threat to me, like shouting at me, or use a threatening word etc, I would get so scared Continue reading
Dream about Imam Ghazalli
I was half up and half asleep but I could see my room. I heard a loud continuous beeping in my right ear Continue reading
Vision during Isha namaz
Saw vision n namaz! Stars form picture of a mosque! Continue reading