Author Archives: Imam Wissam
Dream: Hugging Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w) in my dream
I saw a grand outdoor wedding in my dream. I hugged two men standing as a ceremony receptionist and I gave hug to both of them. One man whom I first hugged was a relative or acquaintance of mine but I don’t know whom as I didn’t see his face but I am emotionally connected to him… Continue reading
Dream: Weird dreams and jihad
I had a dream in which I saw myself die. After that I had a dream in which I saw am in a weird place. The place is very dull. All the people are dead but they are living (like zombies). I see a fire station. It is bright white and has 2 bright red fire trucks. I try to enter but am stopped by a guard very pale and grey. Continue reading
Dream: shaykhs
I have many shaykhs came to my dreams .. some even marry me. Could my dreams means something? Sometimes shaykh I never know before come to my dream for example Habib Ahmad al-Attas of Pekalongan. Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara dream about an obstacle course
I dreamt that there was this man in white shirt, black pants, with long dark hair, running from a bunch of cops, me included. There was this huge obstacle course that he had to get through in order to escape, and it was so difficult that all of the cops stopped to watch him and started cheering him on. Continue reading
Dream: often dream of waterfalls
Assalamu alaikum, I often get dream about waterfalls, either myself playing in the waterfall & once I got dream of being drowned in the same. Pls interpret & tell me what it means.
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Dream: Istikharah dream. I get success in this country or not
d1 parent and little daughter fingers cut off
d2 men with black cloth green face a healing wound lookin at me after zuhar i dream me my husband were watching tv in a dark living room. Continue reading
Dream: Instruction from sayyidina Rasulullah Muhammad SAW
Salam. I hope Alloh SWT always give you the safety and glory . I apologize for make you busy with my question.
I’m dreaming of the prophet Muhammad give instruction to me to keep living room in his house. Continue reading
Istikhara dream
i have had a dream after doing istikhara about a girl for marriage. In the real life I’m a taxi driver and in the dream I was in my taxi driving to go see this girl on a road and the name of the road was Sous like the roots of this girl because she’s not arab but from a ethnie in morroco who called sous. Continue reading
Dream: Part of the Prophet’s (S.A.W) Family
A brother who is interested in marrying me had a dream where I was telling him he was part of the prophet’s s.a.w family. The brother said in the dream he wasn’t sure if he was related and he saw I brought Sheikh Habib Ali Al Jifri to his house to confirm he is from the Prophet’s (s.a.w) family. Continue reading
Dream: Dream of cats for 2 nights respectively
In the first dream, I owned a cat at home and when I tried to pet him, the latter either scratched me or bit me without me feeling anything. Then I saw some dried feces beside him which I thought could have upset him. Continue reading