Author Archives: Imam Wissam
Dream: An Awliya
I have just recently had a dream about sheikh Sufi Arshad Mahmood that they had come to visit me at my house with their khalifa from my area… Continue reading
Dream: Group of black robes
I have dreamed of being chased by a bear and I escaped through a tunnel. When I alighted from the tunnel, I found I was in the pulpit, and I saw the Prophet dressed in black robes… Continue reading
Prayer Request: To be a good Muslim
Please pray for me so that I can always be a good Muslim, good son, always make 5 main solat… Continue reading
Dream: Istikarah for marriage
I was sitting for the 10 days of itikaf and had prayed istikarah for a proposal I got. The answer I received was that I was cooking some fish in the cupboard… Continue reading
Dream: I saw a Shaykh
I had a dream a few days ago where I was advancing towards the masjid when I saw Shaykh Muhammed al Yaqoobi. I stopped and met them, then asked them questions… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Desperately need a job
My parents are having a lot of trouble financially and I have not been able to find a job since completing my Masters degree…. Continue reading
Dream: Sharks
When making istikhara for husband in the dream I find myself excited saying I am going on an outing with my to be inlaws. I find myself on a boat with husband’s sister on water that is a striking blue colour, abnormal blue… Continue reading
Dream: Being shown an idol
I n my dream I told my fiancĂ© we can’t leave the piece of paper here something could happen to it, he said that we shouldn’t worry and reached out and place the Hindu Idol Ganesh next to the paper… Continue reading
Dream: Istekhara for marraige with person who likes me
I have seen that I am in my room and my father gets in with someone. When I see, it was he entering in room with my father and then my father goes out. He sits on the bed… Continue reading
Love & Marriage
There is a guy I want to marry him. He likes me too and we are together for more than 5 years…. Continue reading