Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly

Dream: Rain

I had a dream about being with a guy I`m in love, but we are not it any kind of relationship just colleagues from faculty. In the dream we were together and we were walking in his city, he hugged me and than rain started… Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet’s (saw) Mosque

I dreamt that I was in the Prophet`s (saw) masjid and it was time for the prayers. I make sure I find a place close to the door and I also make sure that I choose a place whereby when I pray my back do not face the Prophet`s (saw) tomb… Continue reading

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Dream: Prayers

I had a dream I was leading prayer and reciting Surah Fatiha, at the start of prayer, mistakes, and while I was continuing, I recited beautifully, and then someone forcefully broke my prayer. Continue reading

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Dream: Hanging and falling on stairs

I saw that I was moving up stairs and meeting my university fellows. All of sudden one of my university fellows came. I stood and gave him way to move up, but instead of moving up he pushed me in such a way that I got time to hang through the railings… Continue reading

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Dream: About Wife

I saw that my wife is getting married to someone else and she is getting ready for the marriage ceremony and I say to myself that “Allah has given her to me and she is under my nikah, how can she get married to someone else” and it comes in my heart that “when she would get marry, your nikah with her will automatically be finished.”… Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh Hisham

Dream: Salaam, I saw Shaykh Hisham coming out my neighbors house and I quickly said please prayer for me shaykh. Shaykh Hisham turned around looked at me and smiled whilst walking away. I was thinking they must be going to the masjid. … Continue reading

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Dream: Grandshaykh Abdullah Faiz Ad-Daghestani

I dreamt seeing Grandshaykh and saw myself wrapping his turban and putting on his head. What is the meaning of this dream? Continue reading

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Dream: Doves

My question is this: soon the whole family will travel to Uzbekistan, we are waiting for a invitation of this country to travel. On the night of 31, March in a dream I saw a sister gives me envelope, a letter with two gray small doves within it. My husband decides to sacrifice them… Continue reading

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Dream: Funeral

I had a dream that a called a a taxi for my husband to attend a funeral. He gave me a envelope car keys and a white thobe and he left with his other wife to the funeral… Continue reading

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Dream: Green garden with ghosts

I saw I am in a green garden but there are ghosts. I am killing them one by one with magical spells. I saw a mosque as well there… Continue reading

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