Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly
Dream: Graves of Awliya
After the death of my father I saw in my dream that me and my father are going on the graves of Aulia… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Corn
My mum had a dream recently where she saw corn on cobs being grown in our front garden and they looked beautiful and had a lovely green colour… Continue reading
Dream: Spider
I had a dream that a spider was inside me and that my mouth was closed and open my mouth… Continue reading
Dream: Wall of City
I saw that a big outer wall of city or a big home just fell on outer side. After a few days… Continue reading
Dream: Gold pendant
Last night I had a dream in which I saw I am looking out of my bedroom window as I looked on the sky 3 beautiful gold pendants… Continue reading
Dream: Bed in a beautiful place
I had a dream of laying in a bed at a high and beautiful place. The weather was warm with a nice breeze… Continue reading
Dream: Centipede
I saw a big light coloured centipede with obvious teeth circling around my brown pair of shoes… Continue reading
Dream: Khana Kaaba
In my dream I saw Khana Kaabah and in front of it there was a sea, it was sooo beautiful… Continue reading
Dream: Dogs and robber
My sister had a dream about me, that I had 2 black dogs running in front of me and a robber dressed in black chasing me from behind… Continue reading
Dream: Black Snake
In my dream, I was next to a snake. The head was black and the body was green. I was fascinated… Continue reading