Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly
Dream : One month left
Dream: Eyes
What does it mean seeing the body covered with plenty of eyes? Continue reading
Dream: Breaking fast forgetfully
Many nights this last Ramadhan I dreamt I would eat something, small, then I’d immediately remember my fast and feel bad, guilty…. then wake up…. Continue reading
Dream: Black dog
I dreamt I was in the middle of a group of people when an ugly black dog came among us and started biting people’s feet. I was telling the people ‘oh this is a creature from hell’. I didn’t particularly feel afraid of it because… Continue reading
Dream: Letter
I had a dream that Sheikh Nazim which telling me and my friend to give letter (post) to people. But I was confused to how to give it to… Continue reading
Dream: Dajjal
I had a dream that the world was in a mess because Dajjal arrived. I was hiding with my family but he found us and he killed my mother… Continue reading
Dream: Fighting a beast
This is a dream my friend had recently and wanted to know what it means. Continue reading
Dream: Teeth
Last night I dreamt that two of my upper teeth fell out. There were big and I was bleeding… Continue reading
Dream: Wearing green turban
I had a dream with many and only Habaib (Habib) in one house,and then I got ijazah to wear a turban by Habib Umar… Continue reading
Dream: Quran
I have seen myself holding Quran at my back and then it suddenly fall off. I tried to stop it from falling but couldn’t… Continue reading