Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly

Dream: Called by a name

I saw Sheikh Nazim, may Allah bless him with a long life, pointing at me and calling me by the name “Betty”… Continue reading

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Dream: Teeth

Please tell me about dream where my right down teeth broke … Continue reading

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Dream: Quran and stairs

I have seen in dream that I am in a big lecture room as in universities having stairs. I was standing on upper stair then I saw a book going down… Continue reading

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Dream: I saw bread

I dreamed I was getting a job in a company of bread (they make round bread) in reality I just found work and I can start 11 July insha allah. Continue reading

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Dream: Kissing forehead

I had a dream that the guy who I love kisses my forehead… Continue reading

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Dream: Heights, about to fall but saved by grace of ALLAH

Many times in my dreams I see myself in heights, like edge of mountains, stairs, basically at very high position and I am about to fall but luckily saved by the grace of ALLAH. Continue reading

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Dream: Forced Marriage

Dream: I have been having this dream since very young age that my parents are forcing me to get married to a man I don’t love or respect. I am 24 years old and  I still have the same dream … Continue reading

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Dream: My friend saw herself killed

You guys are doing a great job and may Allah grant you all success. Continue reading

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Dream: Child/Jinn

I am sitting in a car with a child who I recognize, the child is possessed by a jinn, I started to recite the Kalima… Continue reading

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Dream: Future

My mother did istikara regarding my career. She sees me holding a white flag and leading my friends… Continue reading

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