Author Archives: Imam Yassir Chadly

Dream: Seeing front teeth falling

I had a dream that my front 2 teeth fall out and I try to put one of them back but it doesn’t fit… Continue reading

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Dream: Snakes and House

My mother dreamed that I was outside the house sleeping peacefully and there were snakes on top of me… Continue reading

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Dream: Escorting two sisters

I accompanied a young man who accompanied me, in that dream i feel we in bad neighborhood , realized that i reading my prayer and then blow them up one by one, it seems that the prayer of protection… Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet Muhammad PBUH

I am a woman who had this dream where I was sitting and at the front Prophet Muhammad PBUH was sitting with Lady Aisha RA wearing black Abaya. Continue reading

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Dream: The man who wants to marry me

There is a man that wants to marry me and he lives in an another city but we have some problems regarding marriage and I have never met him. Continue reading

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Dream: Black and red snake

I had a dream that a black snake tied itself around me really tight and was squeezing I was trying to get it off and I opened my eyes and saw… Continue reading

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Dream: Shoe

i saw a dream where i was in the mall with my sister on the stairs, and one slipper slipped from my foot and i see it high on top of something. Continue reading

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Dream: Moon and Light

I usually dream moon surrounded by an amazing light (noor) the dream is for very short periods… Continue reading

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Dream: Queen

I had a dream on various occasions that I am marrying or I am married to a princess… Continue reading

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Dream: Snake & Tooth

My wife saw a big black snake coming through our front door asked my son to chase it so he chased it…. Continue reading

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